How I Support You
Acupuncture Treatments
Is a system of integrative medicine that involves inserting very small needles into the skin or tissues. It’s used to alleviate pain and help with various physical, mental and emotional conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as Qi. It’s believed to flow through pathways or meridians in your body and by inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, your energy flow will be re-balanced and the body will heal and return to its healthy state. Western practitioners view acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. As a result of this stimulation, your body boosts natural painkillers and endorphins to alleviate pain and calm the nervous system.
What Is 5 Element Acupuncture?
5E Acupuncture treats the root cause of disease. If focuses on diagnosing a person’s causative factor or the element which is most aligned with a person’s emotional and physical orientation. The 5 elements are Wood, Water, Fire, Earth and Metal. Each represents an aspect of self and each has a role to play in health, growth and a fully lived life. They interact seamlessly in a healthy person, supporting and controlling each other. Stress or injury can disrupt the balance between the elements and symptoms result. 5 Element Acupuncture can restore balance and harmony, it can remove any blocks to the flow of energy and enhance well being on all levels. 5E is constitutional medicine, supporting a person at the deepest, most vulnerable level. But also the most healing, nourishing and supportive level as well.
Often used for
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Knee Pain
Menstrual Cramps/Amenorrhea/Dysmenorrhea
Fertility Support
Headaches, Migraines, Tension Headaches, Cluster Headaches
Post COVID symptoms
Chronic Fatigue
Digestive Issues including diarrhea, constipation, IBS, gas, bloating
Labor and Delivery Prep
Trauma Support and Recovery
Insomnia, trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep
First Visit
$150 / 90 minutes
$120 / 60 minutes
I also offer a 20 minute free consultation
Treatment Plan
A typical course in Traditional Chinese Medicine is weekly treatments for about 6-10 treatments. Typically, we expect to see some changes in the condition after 3-4 treatments. After 6-10 sessions, we can re-evaluate goals and discuss further care.
Homeopathic Injections
This therapy encompasses both trigger point injections and intramuscular injections. Trigger point injections are used for pain relief. I stimulate and release painful areas by injecting homeopathics or vitamins into tender and tight areas. For a more systemic treatment, I use vitamin injections and homeopathics to maximize your results.
Why Injection Therapy?
Fast results. Reduced pain and correct nutrient deficiencies in a fraction of the time it takes oral supplements
Targeted medicine where your body needs it. There’s no need to wait for digestion and circulation to process and carry oral medications.
Rapid Results. Reduce pain quickly, stop a cold from coming on and treat fine lines and wrinkles with fast results
Micronutrient injections bypass digestion and the liver. Perfect for those who can’t take supplements
Long lasting effects
$40 or 5 for $180
1 Substance 1 Location
$65 or 6 for $350
2 Substance 2 Location
$85 or 6 for $460
B12 Shot
Energize! Perfect for those struggling with fatigue
Immune Boost
Prevent colds and flu with Enzygest homeopathic blend
Stress Free
Calmvalera blend for those with high stress, anxiety and insomnia
Pain Free
Reduce your pain with Traumeel homeopathic blend
Fertility Shot
Glutathione is perfect for age related fertility, PCOS, poor egg quality and poor sperm morphology. Great for chronic illness
Reduce Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Placenta and Collagen injections to age gracefully
Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises
TRE is an innovative series of exercises that assist in the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. The exercises safely activate a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this neurogenic shaking mechanism is activated in a sage and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance. These reflexive muscle vibrations generally feel pleasant and soothing. Afterwards people report feelings of peace and well being. TRE is designed to be a self-help tool that, once learned, can be used independently as needed throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wellness.
What Makes It Unique
It’s a body based (somatic) process which, when done properly, can allow the individual to discharge tension from the body which often does not require “revisiting the story.”
It’s designed to be a self help tool that once learned, can be used as needed.
Can be taught as either a simple self help, tension reduction technique or can be used as an effective complementary practice when integrated with other treatment modalities
Promotes cohesiveness and openness between participants and can be a helpful tool for dispute resolution.
It is safe and effective but should not be used as a substitute for trauma recovery procedures of a medical or psychological nature.
Beneficial Results
Less Worry and Anxiety
Reduced Symptoms of PTSD
More Energy and Endurance
Better Sleep
Reduced Muscle and Back Pain
Greater Emotional Resiliency
Healing of Old Injuries
Decrease Symptoms of Trauma
First Session
$120 / 60 minutes
Follow up
$60 / 30 minutes
Treatment Plan
I recommend personal sessions for 4-6 sessions. This will give you the opportunity to feel confident enough to do it on your own.
Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture
What if you could get a facelift with no surgery, no drugs, no chemicals, no recovery time, and experience only beneficial side effects like better sleep and mood? Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture uses your own Qi (energy) and blood to achieve results. Most impressive of all……it works.
Mei Zen uses a minimally invasive needling technique that works to rebuild the elastin and collagen matrix of the skin. In other words, each needle creates a micro trauma that stimulates the dermis (aka the “brain” of the skin) to rebuild itself with new skin.
Beneficial Results
Improved Circulation
Invigorated elasticity
Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
Leveling of deeper wrinkles
Improvement of the beginnings of jowls
Reduction of acne and rosacea
Reduction in puffiness
Balance of oily and dry skin
Increased blood flow and lymph circulation
Tightened pores
Reduction of inflammation in the face
Reduction of dark circles under eyes
Face or Neck Lift
The Mei Zen acupuncture face or neck lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week, for five weeks. At the end of each session, you will receive a pampering skin treatment with high quality skin products.
Abdominal Lift
The Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week, for six weeks. It is highly effective for healing digestion, scar and stretch mark reduction, resolving reproductive disorders and boosting fertility, toning the abdomen and improving overall appearance. For increased therapeutic results, you may combine tow Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lifts in a row.
Per Session
$200 / 60 minutes
Full Plan
$1800 / 10 sessions
Cosmetic Homeopathic Injections
The Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lift includes two (one-hour) sessions per week, for six weeks. It is highly effective for healing digestion, scar and stretch mark reduction, resolving reproductive disorders and boosting fertility, toning the abdomen and improving overall appearance. For increased therapeutic results, you may combine tow Mei Zen acupuncture abdominal lifts in a row.
Per Injection
Package Plans Available
I’m In-Network with Aetna and Regence. I require payment day of service for other plans however, I can submit a Superbill to your insurance company on your behalf for reimbursement. To determine if you will get reimbursed for your visit, I recommend you call the insurance provider and ask if you have “out of network coverage for acupuncture care.” Forms of payment include cash, credit card, and HSA cards.